PHP Composer install
Hi everyone,
according to the changelog there is composer support in Upsource 3.5. Can anyone please tell where i can define my "composer install" command in the project configuration? Maybe I'm just blind, but i can't find it :-)
Thanks a lot for helping
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Realy no one who can help me?
Hi Lepus,
There is no need to specify it. Upsource will download composer distr by himself.
Does it happen in your case?
Hi Artem,
thanks for your reply. I can only see the code we committed in our repository. The requirements we specified in composer.json, which are usually installed through 'composer install', can't be viewed in upsource.
Regards Alex
Hi Alex,
Sorry for the delay.
We have found and already fixed a bunch of bugs regarding PHP/composer support. All fixes will be included in the nearest release, in several weeks.
When it's available, please try it out and check if it helps.
Hey Artem,
thanks for the information. I'll wait for the next release.
Is there a EAP version for Upsource?
No, we got rid of EAP versions and moved forward with more frequent GA releases.
Hi Artem,
i have just tried the newest version upsource-2017.1.1821 but i still can't see dependencies, which usually are installed by composer install.
So what I'm doing wrong?
It not working for me too with newest version of docker image. What I can do? - here is written that composer should works "We’ve added support for composer dependency manager".
Please log support cases here (with logs attached) -, have no idea what happened. Composer support doesn't require any additional steps, it should work out of the box.
It does not if your composer.json is not in the root project folder. My project has two upper-level folders: source and deploy. The source contains the source code and composer.json is there. But Upsource ignores it. Is there any way to solve the problem?
No, it's non-configurable limitation.
Shouldn't we make it configurable? Am I the only one with the composer.json in a non-root folder?
We have the same issues in our project. The composer.json is not in the project root. We moved them into a subfolder "src".
How can we manage this in upsource? There is a configuration field needed.
Ok, added the request for the next release -
Upvoted ;)
It`s still not working.
Upsource by JetBrains Build 2018.1.357