Upsource Cassandra database errors problem
After problems with space and no connection to upsorce site log file attached, we are expand diskspace and reboot upsorce cassandra, when reindexing database it cause
- mixed comments from current and different repositories
- comments sometimes disappears
- files from other commits and repositories shows randomly
Any clue to deal wit this?
ERROR LOG: - now is working link ;)
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Looks like Upsource DB got in the incorrect state after disk space issue.
Try to take a backup and restore Upsoure on it -
If you make a backup and then restore, does I will not do exactly the same and will restore a backup that is mixed. Or after Restore tool re-index?
After a restore, all repo content will be fetched/indexed from scratch.
@Artem Rokhin
After a restore, all repo content are fetched/indexed from scratch. It seems that everything is all right
Now my guys complain that comments are gone? Is possible that Upsorce has not finish reindex of all data?
Probably review data was missed during restoring from backup. Let's do the following:
1. Navigate to the backup folder you used for the restore and copy this directory: <your_backup>/data/.backup
2. Stop Upsource
3. Put .backup directory to the <Upsource_home_dir>/data folder
4. Start Upsource
I still do not see comments
I try with new updated system 3.5 but still no comments
What if you open one of the files in this directory <your_backup>/data/.backup/review, do you see any review data there?
Jes I see review but no comments of this reviews!
What if you try to launch your previous Upsource instance and try to take a backup one more time?
I'm going to try to put the first base before the whole process of restore
thanks for your help
When I put back orginal data file all OK. From the backup does not withdraw comments of review.
Ok, got it. Could you please try to take a backup from the Upsource instance which shows comments and reviews and right after that send me Upsource logs?
What log that you need? Upsorce/logs/Cassandra ?
all logs from this folder?
yes, please
I see the issue.. It's already fixed in the master and will be included in the nearest release in several weeks. Unfortunately, DB is in the incorrect state and Upsource cannot dump your reviews. If you don't have historical backups, use a backup which you have, but in that case review data will be lost.
To avoid such failures in the future, please configure automatic backup.
We doesn't have backup! This DB is only that work with reviews comments.
I didn't understand what we can now do to properly backup this DB.
A backup cannot be successfully completed on this DB, because DB is corrupted. Sorry..
What is our option to fix that?
No options( Just start a new instance.