Upsource code intelligence error
After enabling code intelligence in gradle project log file I see errors:
[2017-09-18 17:12:38,595] INFO PsiIndexerQueue #0 asd-android .gradle.IDEABasedGradleSupport - [conversion-host] WARN: CreateProcess error=2, �� ������� ����� ��������� ����
And code intelligence in not available.
I tried to create native project to test code intelligence, but in log there is no any error and code intelligence in not available.
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Let's start from the configuration. Could you please make a screenshot of the Code Intelligence tab on the project admin page?
Also please check if ANDROID_HOME variable points to Android SDK home directory.
Yes ANDROID_HOME is set and points to Android SDK home directory.

Here is screenshot:
Please select Gradle in Convert project model field. And then reset code model index.
When I select gradle I get this error
[2017-09-18 17:12:38,595] INFO PsiIndexerQueue #0 asd-android .gradle.IDEABasedGradleSupport - [conversion-host] WARN: CreateProcess error=2, �� ������� ����� ��������� ����
@Artem Rokhin Do you have information about how to solve this error?
Do you have any additional information about the issue? Any other errors/warnings in correct encoding?
The code analysis line is first loaded for a long time, then the following message appears:
"code intelligence is not available"
Ok, any errors from PsiIndexer logger in <upsource_home>/logs/upsource-frontend/all.log?
Issue resolved.
we found out that according to the script, it tries to execute 'git rev-parse –short HEAD' and fails finding the program. But even if you put git into the PATH it will fail because the project snapshot Upsource works with doesn't contain a git repository. This is a kind of problem Upsource cannot deal with. The only workaround is to omit execution of git inside the script or make it conditional.