Large Subversion repository shows: Some revisions in review are not indexed yet: xxx. You're seeing an outdated diff


Hi Team,

I'm testing out Upsource on a large Subversion repository with 5 years or so of commits, a fair few branches and some externals...

The project creates OK, and shows me the list of commits, but whenever I create a review I cannot see any files and I always get:

"Some revisions in review are not indexed yet: branches/xxxx-64921. You're seeing an outdated diff"

I have checked the limits.conf and set the required values

I increased Cassandra -Xmx to 5GB

Hovering over the project seems to imply that the repository has been processed and is happily sitting there picking up new updates...

I am assuming from the message and searching and from the Upsource forums that this is to do with indexing a large repository...

I have monitored the logs, and previously I did see: 'Unable to lock JVM memory (ENOMEM)' so did make the relevant conf changes, deleted the project, closed all terminals, logged back in, restarted etc.

It is hard to tell if Upsource is still indexing back (forward?) through the commit history...

Can you give me some diagnostic pointers?

Ideally I would like to restrict the history to the last 3 months, can this be done using the +trunk: style notation?

Any help gratefully received...



Permanently deleted user

Well, it appears those fixes DID work, I waited for a while after applying the conf and some extra memory and praise be, it works!!!

Either that or threatening it with a support ticket did the trick ;))



Permanently deleted user

I get this message on some commits following an upgrade and move to a different server. I can't delete the project because that would remove all the existing reviews, but managed to configure the server so the cassandra warnings mostly don't show now, the ones showing from the forum seem to not be relevant. It's been almost a week now and it still hasn't finished.

Any tips on diagnosing this please would be appreciated.


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