Install Fails on Analyzer
So I installed Hub and migrated YouTrack to a zip installation and was able to get that to use Hub. Then I went to install Upsource and it got to the analyzer and failed. Looked in stderr and found the immensely useful message that the analyzer cannot return a non-zero value.
It's being installed on a machine with 16GBs of RAM, but in the typical insane VM irony, this machine now has all the other components chewing up RAM: youtrack, teamcity, hub. Plus we have a few other java instances.
It's super depressing that after 2 decades, installing a few new versions of a couple apps takes several days and involves myriad failures where it's not clear what went wrong.
Thanks for any help.
Went and tried it again. First I found that there is a log file specifically for the analyzer and it reports failing to be able to setup authorization through hub. Which makes no sense. The verification page asked for the url and verified it, then I got the popup authorizing full access. Furthermore, I migrated YouTrack a few hours ago.
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Hi Codeslubber,
Sorry for that inconvenience!
It's not clear what is going wrong, maybe lack of ram maybe something else.. Could you please post logs folder from Upsource home dir?
Thanks in advance.
Just reran it, seeing that I had 2.9GBs of RAM free before starting. Failed. Same 403 on the startup of the Analyzer. Wow, it's just so disappointing that this kind of code is what's out in the world. At least no one was killed in a car thanks to it. Instead I have just wasted days while the whole team sits around wondering why upgrading existing apps we have used for a long time and adding one more should take a week.
(The other reason for my exasperation about the state of this is even in YT where I had to reinstall the whole app and migrate it, Hub ended up making a disaster: visibility of projects are all screwed up, I have people coming to me whipped up about how everything is just a big wet mess now...)
This is the error I get:
[2015-10-08 14:27:02,138] ERROR APP-WRAPPER] Proxy 1 end.cli.UpsourceAnalyzerDaemon - Unable to start daemon
com.jetbrains.upsource.UpsourceException: Cannot run backend on outdated database
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.server.facade.UpsourceApplicationEnvironment.<init>(
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.cli.UpsourceApplicationEnvironmentDaemonBase.startDaemon(
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.cli.UpsourceAnalyzerDaemon.startDaemon(
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.cli.UpsourceDaemonBase.start(
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.cli.UpsourceDaemonBase.start(
at com.jetbrains.upsource.backend.cli.UpsourceAnalyzerDaemon.start(
at com.jetbrains.launcher.AppProxy$
at com.jetbrains.launcher.AppProxy$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Never mind, just realised this isn't about an Upsource upgrade
Looks like you didn't follow backup/restore when upgrading major/minor version. Please refer to this article -
Since you mention it, I did follow those instructions (I've done the upgrade a few times succesfully in the past). I figured this time it was because I was upgrading to an EAP.
I am having the same issue when upgrading from 2.0 to the 2.5 EAP release. I followed the upgrade steps to the letter so it seems like there is an upgrade issue. Is there any guidance on this?
Could you please attach Upsource logs folder?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the delay in getting you the logs, I had reverted to Upsource 2.0 and was waiting for a good time to take that offline to regenerate these logs. The log files are attached to this post. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get you and thanks for looking into this!
Per the given logs I don't see that data from 2.0 was restored on 2.5. Could you please clarify in details how have you performed upgrade from 2.0m to 2.5?
Thanks in advance.
Here are the steps I followed, starting from a working Upsource version 2.0.3682 instance running on Ubuntu 14.04.3:
Thanks again for your help with this!
Thanks for the clarification, now it makes sense.
On the step 5 you need to copy data and conf folders from /opt/Upsource.old/backup/<date_of_backup> folder and paste it to Upsource folder.
Please let me know if it solves your issue.
Thanks in advance.
The upgrade now works properly following your step. Please note that you may want to update the upgrade documentation (here) to reflect that the conf and data folders from the backup should be used.
Glad to hear that!
It's already there, section Major(minor) upgrade, step 6:
>>>>Copy data and conf folder from the Upsource.old/backup/<date_of_backup> directory to the new <upsource_home>.
Thank you.