upsource-analyzer errors
I keep getting this in the analyzer debug.log
Resolving deltas: 92%
Resolving deltas: 93%
at jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.git.CommandLineUtil.getCommandLineError(
at jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.git.FetchCommandImpl.fetchInSeparateProcess(
Any idea what the problem is?
Best Regards
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Hi Ian,
How long did it take to load your project? Also could you please clarify the repository size of your project?
Thanks in advance.
It takes about a minute to get this far. Then it retries again a little bit later.
I just noticed this
[2015-01-07 11:13:38,666] WARN VcsService-3 pl.graph.worker.VcsFetchSource - Failed to fetch repository: reponame. 'git fetch' command failed.
stderr: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I had already tried to increase heap space for upsource-analyzer as I had heap memory issues earlier in the process where it didn't even get as far as this. I set -Xmx4000m in upsource-analyzer jvm options.
Should I increase it some more?
4 Gb should be pretty enough to handle the repository of your size.
Could you please clarify how did you increase heap space for upsource-analyzer?
Anyway here is a quick detailed instructions on how it should be done:
- open <upsource>/conf/upsource-analyzer
- create file upsource-analyzer.jvmoptions
- write to the file –Xmx4000m
- Restart Upsource
If the steps were done correctly please zip and post "logs" folder from the Upsource home directory.
Thanks in advance.
That is how I changed the heap space.
I will post the logs. Can I send them to you directly as I'm not sure if they contain sensitive information or not?
Yes, you can send it to
Any news?
Because I have the exactly same problem with the following git repository using Upsource Build 1.0.12566.
$ git count-objects -vH
count: 0
size: 0 bytes
in-pack: 116608
packs: 1
size-pack: 859.81 MiB
prune-packable: 0
garbage: 0
size-garbage: 0 bytes
$ du -sh .
1.1G .
And I set -Xmx14336m.
Just strange thing in upsource-analyzer-stderr.log I can see the following warn:
[Upsource Analyzer Error] [2015-02-18 16:15:13,157] WARN VcsService-3 ggers.vcs.git.FetchCommandImpl - There is not enough memory for git fetch, teamcity.git.fetch.process.max.memory=1024M, try to increase it.
But I don't know where I can set this properties. I tried inside and internal/ but without success.
PS: find a part of upsource-analyzer-stderr.log where error spawning
I added
That's correct. Use upsource-analyzer.jvmoptions file that is located under this directory <upsource>/conf/upsource-analyzer to change this setting.
Also after adding the line -Dteamcity.git.fetch.process.max.memory=2G please restart Upsource.
Yeah thanks It's work like a charm :) No I got another error but I no more part of OOM.
What kind of error?
The following:
But I currently reinstall from scratch because I tuned many thing to handle my previous memory problem. May It will fix this problem.
Not even after full refresh installation and just tuning the following options
I have the error.
ps: maven is not installed on the server hosting upsource. It could be the problem?
Well, could you please zip and post or send to all entire contents of 2 folders located under Upsource home directory - logs and conf?
Done I hope it will help you. Tomorrow I will retry but I will install maven on server.