VCS-repo moved, project stuck in "not yet initialized"
We have moved the Git-repository of one of our projects to another Git-server. When I try to edit the project in the Upsource admin page, the following scenario occurs:
- I edit the VCS-settings and click "Test connection".
- the outcome is "Test VCS connection failed. Project xxx is not yet initialized"
I think the error is caused by Upsource trying to connect to the old repository, which is offline. But it prevents me from entering the new URL and key, so I'm stuck!
Please advise how to work around this. I don't mind editing some config file on the server, if that's a solution.
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Hi Bart,
Project is not yet initialized error is shown right after project creation or after Upsource server upgrade/migration. Could you please clarify if you have performed any of this actions recently?
Also to double check if Upsource really tries to connect to the old server we would need Upsource logs (please provide old server url and a new one).
Thanks in advance.
Hi Artem,
Thanks for your reply. It is a project that already exists for some time and we used it without problems with our previous Git repo. The last time we upgraded Upsource, was when 2.5 came out.
Which logfile(s) do you need?
Best regards,
Hi Bart,
That's really strange behavior.
It would be great to analyze log files from logs/upsource-analyzer and logs/upsource-cluster-init folders.
Thanks in advance.
Hoi Artem,
I have the logs, but there's no way to add an attachment here...
Best regards,
Yep, sorry :)
You can upload it to If you receive the permission denied error on an upload attempt, please rename the file. It's OK that you do not see the file listing on the FTP. The FTP accepts standard anonymous credentials: username: "anonymous", password: "<your e-mail>". In addition to usual, unencrypted connections, TLS ones are also supported. In case of access issues, time-out errors, etc. please try using passive FTP mode.
When done, please let me know archive name.
Thank you.
I've uploaded the log files as and
Best regards,
Hi Bart,
Sorry for the delay.
Let's do the following -
1. Make a backup on the current Upsource instance.
2. Download the latest Upsource update from here - Per logs we have also noticed that you have some other minor issues that should go away with this update.
3. Navigate to the backup folder - <Upsource_home_dir>\backups\<date_of_backup>\data\.backup, open file called projects.xml, find VCS link there and replace it with the new one.
4. Use this backup to restore data on the fresh Upsource build from #2
Please let me know if it helps,
Hi Artem,
Thanks, that solved the problem. However, JetBrains should really make a better update-procedure. Copying backup files on the server is cumbersome, old fashioned and error prone. A modern system should have a fully web-based upgrade procedure!
Anyway, thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Bart Kummel
Already in the the development, to be expected in Upsource 3.0
Thank you for the feedback!
Hello Artem,
I am experiencing this problem right now. Upsource Build 2019.1.1519.
What should i do?